Wednesday 24 February 2010

Cock Pheasant

Cock pheasants are as beautiful as they are dumb. I am always watchful when I see one ahead on the road-side when I'm driving. They seem pre-programmed to hurl themselves under the wheels at the last second. The problem is that they're virtually all as tame as chickens, having been raised for the gun.


Wednesday 17 February 2010

Beautiful Sunbird

Sunbirds are exqusite jewels of birds that flit around all over The Gambia.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Blue Bellied Roller

Another Gambia watercolour.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Blue Bellied Kingfisher

Well, another over-lengthy delay between posts, but a lot has happened! Christmas for one thing, which was very busy this year both at the gallery and at home. Also we've been to the Gambia for a two week bird watching break. It is an astounding place to bird watch and this is the first of several watercolours I'll be posting here.

We saw over 150 species without putting ourselves out much. To be honest I get tired with just ticking off endless different birds. On a shortish trip it's much better to have a good look at those nearby, and there are many in The Gambia wherever you are.

The Blue Bellied was one of four species of Kingfisher we saw, including the world's largest, the Jackdaw-sized Giant Kingfisher, which makes quite a splash when it crashes into a pond. The Blue Bellied is about the size of a Starling and our superb guide Morro could attract them to him with just a whistle!